Velocity Group Blog

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Enhancing Cybersecurity: The Swiss Cheese Model Delivers Results

In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity is a paramount concern for businesses of all sizes. With millions of cyber-attacks occurring daily, it is...

The Importance Of Seamless Device Management

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, the seamless deployment and management of devices has become crucial for businesses striving...

Why are humans the biggest insider threat to your business?

Employees have long been viewed as the ‘weakest link’ in a business’s cyber security chain and, with human error still being the number one cause of...

Is Your AI Project Going To Be As Useful As A Toilet That Won't Flush?

How Has The Change In Technology Consumption Affected Us? In an earlier blog, I discussed how our technology consumption has evolved since we launched...

Build a security-savvy workforce through ongoing Human Risk Management

With Verizon reporting that the ‘human element’ plays a part in 85% of cyber security breaches, your business can be compromised by just one...

Securing Remote Users and Devices

Securing the Digital Frontier: How To Protect Your Remote Workforce In an era where the world is your office and a coffee shop can serve as your...

Your Imagination Is Your Limitation

How Has The Change In Technology Consumption Affected Us? The mid 2000’s was an easy time wasn’t it? We could see where our servers and applications...

Visibility Crisis: How To Solve Modern ITAM Challenges

IT leaders are facing a visibility crisis.

The Rise of AI in Cybersecurity: Revolutionising Protection

In today’s digital landscape, with the relentless advancement of cybercriminals' methods, conventional cybersecurity strategies often fall behind. Yet,...

Backup Is Not Only About Compliance

Effectively Protect Your Data From Ransomware attacks One of the best ways to prevent ransomware from crippling your business is to have a reliable...