Velocity Group Blog

Visibility Crisis: How To Solve Modern ITAM Challenges

Written by Blog Hero | Oct 3, 2024 9:11:35 AM

IT leaders are facing a visibility crisis.

There is far too much happening beneath the surface that they simply aren’t able to see or do anything about. It’s like an iceberg.

This is a serious issue, one that leads to unmanaged costs, hidden security risks, and surprise fees. No IT department can afford to operate like this. Which is why we have partnered with Block 64.

Block 64 is a comprehensive IT asset discovery and management platform for organisations looking to gain full visibility into their IT infrastructure. We empower IT leaders to proactively oversee IT lifecycle, ensure compliance, and tackle security vulnerabilities head-on.

In this article, we will go through some of our key solutions and show you how we use Block 64 to solve the visibility crisis, transforming the way organisations manage their IT environments.

Lifecycle Management

What is Lifecycle Management?

Lifecycle Management involves overseeing the entire lifespan of IT assets—including hardware, software, and cloud infrastructure—from acquisition through to decommissioning. It’s about ensuring these assets are optimised, secure, and up-to-date throughout their use.

Why is it important?

Every IT asset has a finite lifespan. Neglecting to monitor their end-of-life (EOL) status can lead to unexpected downtimes, security vulnerabilities, and inflated maintenance costs. Operating on outdated hardware or software not only risks operational efficiency but also misses opportunities for cost-effective upgrades.

This is not a fringe concern. According to a Benchmarks for CIOs research, 37% of organisations are running unsupported SQL servers, and 52% are operating with unsupported Windows Server versions. Similarly, the report, which analyzed more than 250,000 endpoints across hundreds of North American businesses, found that 44% of IT hardware is beyond warranty. Aging, outdated and unsupported IT infrastructure is a serious, ubiquitous issue.

How We Solve It With Block 64

Block 64 automates the tracking of assets across your entire IT landscape, delivering real-time insights into the age, usage, and performance of every component. For instance, the platform proactively flags systems nearing their EOL, allowing you to schedule replacements or upgrades before failures occur. This preemptive approach eliminates reactive replacements and surprise downtimes. By automating lifecycle tracking, Block 64 reduces manual effort and ensures no asset slips through the cracks.

Value Delivered

  • Reduced Downtime: Prevent unexpected system failures by replacing assets before they fail.
  • Cost Savings: Avoid expensive, last-minute upgrades and capitalize on cost-effective technology advancements.
  • Resource Optimization: Free up IT personnel from manual tracking tasks, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Enhanced Security: Mitigate risks associated with obsolete systems that are more susceptible to vulnerabilities.

Security & Vulnerability Management

What is Security & Vulnerability Management?

This practice involves the continuous identification, assessment, and remediation of risks within your IT environment. As new vulnerabilities emerge, IT teams must stay vigilant to prevent potential breaches.

Why is it important?

Unaddressed vulnerabilities are gateways for cyberattacks, leading to data breaches, financial losses, and damage to your organization’s reputation. In an era of sophisticated and evolving threats, proactive vulnerability management is critical to safeguarding your infrastructure.

How Block 64 Solves It

Block 64 offers continuous scanning of your IT environment, pinpointing security vulnerabilities across all endpoints. It identifies risks such as outdated software versions, missing patches, or system misconfigurations. For example, Block 64’s insights revealed that 74% of endpoints were exposed to critical vulnerabilities in a recent benchmark report. Armed with this information, IT teams can swiftly apply patches, upgrade software, or adjust security policies before these vulnerabilities are exploited.

Value Delivered

  • Proactive Risk Mitigation: Address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.
  • Time Efficiency: Reduce the time spent manually tracking and prioritizing threats.
  • Resource Allocation: Focus efforts on the most critical vulnerabilities based on severity.
  • Enhanced Security Posture: Strengthen defenses against potential cyberattacks.

Compliance & License Management

What is Compliance & License Management?

Compliance management ensures your IT environment adheres to regulatory and industry standards. License management involves tracking software usage to prevent over-licensing (wasting resources) or under-licensing (risking penalties).

Why is it important?

Software audits can result in unexpected fees if licenses aren’t properly managed. Over-licensing leads to unnecessary expenses, while under-licensing exposes you to legal risks and potential fines during audits. For example, our Benchmarks research showed that 63% of businesses are running legacy versions of Java – putting them at risk of massive price increases due to changes in Java licensing.

How We Solve It With Block 64

Block 64 provides real-time tracking of software usage and licensing across your organization. It delivers detailed insights into software utilisation, helping you determine whether you’re compliant with licensing agreements. For instance, the platform can alert you when you’re approaching or exceeding license limits, allowing corrective action before an audit. Conversely, it highlights underused licenses, enabling you to reallocate or discontinue unused software subscriptions.

Value Delivered

  • Cost Avoidance: Prevent financial penalties associated with non-compliance.
  • Optimised Spending: Eliminate costs from underutilized licenses.
  • Audit Preparedness: Maintain readiness for audits with accurate, up-to-date licensing information.
  • Operational Efficiency: Save time by automating license tracking and compliance reporting.

Cloud & Copilot Planning

What is Cloud & Copilot Planning?

Cloud planning involves evaluating and migrating suitable IT assets to the cloud to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. Copilot planning focuses on preparing your IT environment for AI-driven tools like Microsoft Copilot, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance.

Why is it important?

Strategic cloud migration can lead to significant cost savings and operational improvements, but missteps can result in overspending and resource misalignment. Similarly, integrating AI tools requires careful preparation to avoid performance issues and security vulnerabilities.

How We Solve It With Block 64

Block 64 assists in identifying which assets are prime candidates for cloud migration by analyzing resource utilization and interdependencies. For example, it can spotlight underutilized servers that, when migrated, optimize cloud expenditure and efficiency. In terms of Copilot planning, Block 64 ensures your infrastructure is secure and compatible with AI tools, facilitating a smooth and effective rollout.

Value Delivered

  • Cost Optimisation: Migrate only necessary assets to the cloud, avoiding unnecessary expenses.
  • Efficient Migrations: Streamline the migration process with data-driven insights.
  • AI Integration: Accelerate the adoption of AI tools like Copilot without compromising security.
  • Future-Proofing: Prepare your IT environment for emerging technologies and innovations.


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